Send professional quotes with digital signatures - win more deals

Tired of verbal approvals and boring quotation documents? With Fieldly, you can tailor your quotes according to both your and the customer's needs. Attach everything you need, get the quote digitally approved and convert to a job - with one click.

Create your own quote templates

You can create your own quote templates - which you can then copy, edit and send to the customer with one click. Professional, neat and clear - every time. Customize as needed with text, images and attach necessary files. Smooth, fast and simple.

Digital signature on quotes

When everyone is on the same page, the risk of unnecessary conflicts decreases. In Fieldly, your customer can sign the quote with a digital signature. Secure and convenient for you, legally binding and clear for the customer. The signed quote is then sent to the customer in one copy and a copy is saved in your Fieldly account.

Convert a quote into a project

Once your quote has been signed, you can easily convert it to a work order or a project, which you can quickly share with your employees.

This also applies quoting change orders, which you can create in the existing project, and thus ensure that everyone is in agreement before you start work.

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